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Magasinet / Sweco Architects


Magasinet / Sweco Architects - Más Imágenes+ 24

  • Arquitectos: Sweco Architects
  • Área Área del proyecto de arquitectura Área:  1550
  • Año Año del Proyecto de arquitectura Año:  2015
  • Fotógrafos
    Fotografías:Per Eriksson
  • Proveedores Marcas y productos usados en este proyecto de arquitectura
    Proveedores:  VELUX Commercial, SSAB, Schüco
  • Lead Architect: Hans Pettersson
  • Pais: Suecia
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© Per Eriksson

Descripción enviada por el equipo del proyecto. Magasinet is a cultural center in Falun situated in an old storage hall for the railroad. On behalf of Kulturföreningen Magasinet, Sweco's architects in Falun were given the opportunity to design a new extension. The vision was to exhibit the entrance and provide space for the wardrobe, which had previously taken an overly large area. The building has got a modern design language, which is in line with the multifaceted cultural activities that are currently being conducted in the magazine. Form plays with the old buildings roof landscape and coincides with the roof angle of the building.

© Per Eriksson

Inside, the rooms are filled with light from the skylights and the walls consist of white painted wood paneling with ground concrete flooring. The external material is banded black plate on both walls and ceilings. The new entrance building has been cautiously docked to the magazine, and you clearly see the transition between the new building and the Magasin's hot red brick walls.

© Per Eriksson
© Per Eriksson

Magasinet was built in 1898 as a storage hall for the railroad. Today it is a center for cultural events. The building is owned by the cultural association Magasinet as office, film and photo studio and as a venue for exhibitions and concerts.

© Per Eriksson
Ground Floor Plan
© Per Eriksson

Galería del Proyecto

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Ubicación de la obra

Dirección:TULLKAMMAREGATAN, Falun, Sweden

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Ubicación para ser utilizado sólo como referencia. Podría indicar ciudad / país, pero la dirección no exacta.
Sobre esta oficina
Cita: "Magasinet / Sweco Architects" [Magasinet / Sweco Architects] 27 ago 2017. ArchDaily en Español. Accedido el 26 Mar 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8914

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