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Residencias CHITRAKUT / AANGAN Architects


Residencias CHITRAKUT / AANGAN Architects - Fotografía exterior, Ventanas, Fachada, JardínResidencias CHITRAKUT / AANGAN Architects - Fotografía exterior, Fachada, Ventanas, Jardín, Patio interiorResidencias CHITRAKUT / AANGAN Architects - Fotografía exterior, Ventanas, Fachada, BarandasResidencias CHITRAKUT / AANGAN Architects - Fotografía interior, Sala de estar, Sillones, Mesas, Sillas, Ventanas, Fijación VigasResidencias CHITRAKUT / AANGAN Architects - Más Imágenes+ 19

  • Arquitectos: AANGAN Architects
  • Área Área del proyecto de arquitectura Área:  1450
  • Año Año del Proyecto de arquitectura Año:  2022
  • Fotógrafos
  • Proveedores Marcas y productos usados en este proyecto de arquitectura
    Proveedores:  Grohe, Astral Pipes, Donato, Futura Lights, MITSUBISHI HEAVY INDUSTRIES, Norysis, Palazzo Functionality, Radhe Krishna Bricks IND, Ultratech, Yale Lock
  • Arquitecto Responsable: Khyati Dani
  • Paisajismo: Niti Shah
  • Ingeniería: Jigar Ariwala
  • Drawing In Charge: Mayuri Amle
  • Ingeniería Estructural: Yash Patel
  • Contratista: Ketan Patel
  • Riego: Mansukh Akbari
  • Horticultura: Karmavir Bhatt
  • Ciudad: Surat
  • Pais: India
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Residencias CHITRAKUT / AANGAN Architects - Fotografía exterior, Ventanas
© Pratikruti09

Descripción enviada por el equipo del proyecto. Chitrakut - An Extended Family Cluster- Faliyu es un notable proyecto arquitectónico que pretende honrar y celebrar el modo de vida tradicional indio dentro de un grupo de viviendas tradicionales (faliyu). El diseño para la familia extensa consta de seis unidades individuales para alojar a seis familias, con otlas (verandas) tradicionales y un espacio abierto central (chogan). Las verandas contiguas con columpios y el espacio abierto central son extensiones perfectas del estilo de vida al aire libre de los residentes. Estos elementos no sólo permiten una transición natural entre el interior y el exterior, sino que también fomentan un sentimiento de conexión y unidad entre los habitantes. Las pérgolas, componentes prácticos y estéticos, dan sombra a los amplios porches y conectan visualmente las casas. El conjunto consta de dos pares de unidades gemelas y dos unidades independientes. Cada unidad tiene su propia identidad al tiempo que está interconectada con los espacios compartidos. Los espacios compartidos están diseñados de forma que cada unidad tenga su propia intimidad y al mismo tiempo estén conectadas con estos espacios compartidos. 

Residencias CHITRAKUT / AANGAN Architects - Fotografía exterior, Ventanas, Fachada, Jardín
© Pratikruti09
Residencias CHITRAKUT / AANGAN Architects - Imagen 20 de 24
Planta - Baja
Residencias CHITRAKUT / AANGAN Architects - Fotografía interior, Ventanas, Fachada
© Pratikruti09

The primary intent for the design of the landscape is to create a harmonious blend between the built structures and the surrounding open spaces and to blur the boundaries between the natural and built environment. Each of the six units has been meticulously planned to face the central garden area, enhancing the sense of community and togetherness. Moreover, the design of the two additional units takes into account the presence of the existing trees on site, especially the Bale tree (Bilipatra), a sacred tree for the clients. These thoughtful considerations ensure that the architecture seamlessly integrates with the natural surroundings. To facilitate interaction and connectivity between residents, extended balconies connect various bungalows. These transitional spaces serve as shared areas where neighbors can engage in social activities and continue to foster stronger social bonds with the extension of families and the addition of generations. The design allows for volumetric variation and optimizes the available space by accommodating the specific requirements of each unit. Additionally, the incorporation of a mezzanine room above the parking area introduces an impressive ceiling height of 12'-6" to the living spaces, enhancing a sense of openness and grandeur.

Residencias CHITRAKUT / AANGAN Architects - Fotografía exterior, Fachada, Jardín, Patio interior
© Pratikruti09
Residencias CHITRAKUT / AANGAN Architects - Imagen 23 de 24
Sección - DD
Residencias CHITRAKUT / AANGAN Architects - Fotografía exterior, Ventanas, Jardín
© Pratikruti09

The strategic use of exposed brick, exposed reinforced concrete (RCC), and grit plaster finishes adds a visual and tactile appeal to the interior spaces. By leaving these materials uncovered, the architecture celebrates its raw beauty and creates a sensory experience for the residents. Skylights in rooms and utility areas introduce ample natural light, enhancing the overall ambiance and reducing dependence on artificial lighting. Chitrakut stands as a testament to the successful integration of traditional and contemporary design elements by paying attention to the heritage and lifestyle of the residents, while incorporating modern comforts and aesthetics, the project redefines family living on an ancestral piece of land and provides a state-of-the-art housing cluster the ‘faliyu’ to retain and continue the joint family social values with the accommodating individual’s growing needs. It provides a place to call home and fosters a sense of belonging, community, and pride in Indian traditions.

Residencias CHITRAKUT / AANGAN Architects - Fotografía interior, Sala de estar, Sillones, Mesas, Sillas, Ventanas, Fijación Vigas
© Pratikruti09
Residencias CHITRAKUT / AANGAN Architects - Imagen 21 de 24
Planta - Primer nivel
Residencias CHITRAKUT / AANGAN Architects - Fotografía interior, Ventanas, Escaleras, Barandas
© Pratikruti09

These transitional spaces serve as shared areas where neighbors can engage in social activities and continue to foster stronger social bonds with the extension of families and the addition of generations. The design allows for volumetric variation and optimizes the available space by accommodating the specific requirements of each unit. Additionally, the incorporation of a mezzanine room above the parking area introduces an impressive ceiling height of 12'-6" to the living spaces, enhancing a sense of openness and grandeur.

Residencias CHITRAKUT / AANGAN Architects - Fotografía exterior, Ventanas, Ladrillo, Fachada
© Pratikruti09
Residencias CHITRAKUT / AANGAN Architects - Imagen 24 de 24

The strategic use of exposed brick, exposed reinforced concrete (RCC), and grit plaster finishes adds a visual and tactile appeal to the interior spaces. By leaving these materials uncovered, the architecture celebrates its raw beauty and creates a sensory experience for the residents. Skylights in rooms and utility areas introduce ample natural light, enhancing the overall ambiance and reducing dependence on artificial lighting. Chitrakut stands as a testament to the successful integration of traditional and contemporary design elements by paying attention to the heritage and lifestyle of the residents, while incorporating modern comforts and aesthetics, the project redefines family living on an ancestral piece of land and provides a state-of-the-art housing cluster the ‘faliyu’ to retain and continue the joint family social values with the accommodating individual’s growing needs. It provides a place to call home and fosters a sense of belonging, community, and pride in Indian traditions.

Residencias CHITRAKUT / AANGAN Architects - Fotografía exterior, Ventanas, Fachada
© Pratikruti09

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Cita: "Residencias CHITRAKUT / AANGAN Architects" [CHITRAKUT Residences / AANGAN Architects] 24 abr 2024. ArchDaily en Español. Accedido el 24 Mar 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8914

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